"Where do you see yourself in ten years?" This famous question has always seemed to leave a bad taste in my mouth. Perhaps because I struggled with how to answer it - especially as a freshman in high school when I was asked it. The assignment was to 'simply' write out the answer to the question on paper. I remember as early as middle school, and part of my answer to that assignment my freshman year, was that I wanted to be a 'movie writer' (as I called it back then). My mind has went in several different directions since then too. If only I knew what I wanted early on... I mean, unfalteringly, undoubtedly, knew what I wanted... well, it seems like life would be much easier. For a lot of us though, the world is this huge place with unlimited possibilities, making it difficult to choose just one path to focus on. I think this is what lead me to want to be an actor - well, at least that's what I want today. As an actor, you can fill the shoes of multiple personalities who do multiple different things. It's like being able to try on all kinds of different hats instead of deciding on just one hat. When indecisive, just be an actor, right?
In order to get what you want, you first have to know what you want. And be specific. Throughout your life, you are going to be faced with all kinds of decisions. If you know specifically what direction you want your life to go, if it's always at least in the back of your mind, the decisions you're constantly faced with will be made in service toward getting what you want. Let's say that I want to spearhead my own business. The books I read, events I attend, the people I meet, the things I invest my time and money in, etc. - all these decisions are going to be easier to make because I'm going to automatically know to choose what will eventually and collectively, help me start my own business. The more specific and clear your dream is, the better - and don't be afraid to dream big!
What if you're not sure of what you want? Or you're not sure of what it is you specifically want? Maybe you know you want to start your own business, but you're not sure what kind of business. You at least know that you can be gaining some business knowledge and studying successful entrepreneurs. To figure out the specifics on what kind of business you want, start by listing the things you're interested in and explore them a little further. Interested in photography? Take a class, interview a working photographer, read up on what skills you would need to acquire, and just try it out and see if it 'clicks' (Get it?). You can try this with several things you're already interested in to see if you can find the one thing that excites you the most or that you're passionate about. Maybe even after all this, you realize you're equally passionate about more than one thing. You're likely to learn something about yourself and your likes/dislikes during this process.
The older I get, the clearer of what I want for my future gets - but I'm still discovering. If you're like me and still in this phase of discovery, that's okay. Enjoy it. Enjoy the journey. I've started my list of things I'm interested in and I'm always looking to expand my knowledge on the things I care about. It's one thing to believe in your dreams, but you've got to have a dream in order to believe in it. What's keeping you from getting what you want? Are you addicted to the honeymoon phase of new ideas, always craving to start something new but struggle with the follow-through? You're already along for the ride to somewhere, but did you remember to bring a map, one that will lead you to where you want to go? Perhaps you can start by asking yourself that dreaded question, "Where do you see yourself in ten years?" and pave the way from there. Remember though, life is a journey and things don't always go the way we plan or imagine they will, but having a dream gives you a purpose, fulfillment and some control over your life. Let's get crystal clear on what kind of lives we want for ourselves and remember: dream, believe, achieve!
"You see things; and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and say 'Why not?'” - George Bernard Shaw